Canada Empowering Racialized Newcomer Women

IRCC said they would provide help and services to racialized newcomer women in Canada to get jobs. The Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot program – helps women who are newcomers to Canada and have experienced discrimination because of their race. The Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship announced that the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) of Metro Vancouver will receive up

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Massive All- Program Express Entry Draw: March 2023

In the seventh Express Entry draw of 2023, IRCC invited 7,000 candidates who scored a minimum Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of 490. The latest draw was not only the first all-program draw since January 18th but also the largest on record, surpassing the previous record. An all-program draw is for the candidates from all three Express Entry Programs- the

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India remains the leading contributor of Immigrants to Canada

Canada has long been a popular destination for people from around the world looking to start a new life. According to data released by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on February 2023, approximately 46% of newcomers settling in Canada in 2022 were from Asia. Around 118,095 Indians landed as permanent residents (PRs) in 2022. This growth has led to

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Ontario-India New Trade Mission to Bring Economic Opportunities

Ontario, the most popular province in Canada, is known for its diverse economy and business-friendly environment. With a highly skilled workforce and a supportive government, Ontario has attracted businesses from around the world. In recent years, the province has been focusing on expanding its economic ties with India, one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. As part of this

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IRCC Launches New Express Entry and PNP Tracker

IRCC has declared the introduction of the use of a new online application status tracker for Express Entry System and Provincial Nominee applications. The applicants under the Express Entry System, Canadian Experience Class (CEC), Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP), and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), can now use the online status tracker. This application status tracker

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Canada PNP Draw Updates 2023

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) allows Canadian provinces and territories to nominate individuals who meet their specific labor market needs for Permanent Residency (PR) in Canada. Some provinces, such as British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario have recently issued invitations to apply to candidates through their respective PNPs. By attracting skilled workers and entrepreneurs to these areas, the PNP can

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