Express Entry Latest Draw: August 2022

Canada’s latest Express Entry draw results were announced on August 3, 2022. This time, the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) has issued 2,000 invitations to apply for the Canadian Permanent Residency visas through their Express Entry system. They have invited a large number of potential immigrants for this EE draw as compared to the previous one. The Express Entry

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Biggest Saskatchewan PNP Draw in 2022

The province of Saskatchewan has conducted the biggest draw in 2022 so far. The SINP issued 748 invitations to applicants through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program, with the lowest ever score which was 68. This draw was released on July 28, 2022. The draw had 469 invitations through Saskatchewan’s Occupations In-Demand stream, with a minimum score of 68. The province

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As you all know that the express entry has been resumed in the month of July 2022 where we have seen many changes that have been made to it. We as well know that for this express entry the cut-off score for the CRS was very high due to which there is a long wait for the applicants who have

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Why Enter Express Entry Pool Early?

Starting this month, we have seen there was a new express entry for Canada migration where the Canadian government has invited skilled workers. It had a very high CRS score (557) due to which many of the applicants are still in line for their invitation. Seeing this, the immigration minister Sean Fraser has said that IRCC will be again processing

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A Bang-on comeback of Express Entry Draws in 2022!

Canada is all set to resume Express Entry Draws by 6th July 2022. This exclusive announcement was made by the Canadian Minister, Sean Fraser at Collision which is one of the world’s largest Technology Conference. Express Entry was introduced by Canada’s immigration department, to facilitate the immigration of skilled and talented professionals, with an online application management system, which is

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Express Entry Rounds of Invitations

To facilitate the immigration of talented professionals, Canada’s immigration department launched Express Entry, an online application management system, which is now the most widely used immigration system in the world. The Canadian government uses a points-based method called the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) to rank the individuals in the pool, and then invites the highest-ranking prospects to apply for permanent

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